Why “bad” emotions and sensations can actually be good

Why “bad” emotions and sensations can actually be good

Experiencing nerves and anxiety might not be particularly pleasant – but new research shows that by reappraising these emotions we can improve our creativity and our overall performance. When was the last time you felt really excited? You know – butterflies in the...
What we can all learn from Chinese restaurant ticket collectors

What we can all learn from Chinese restaurant ticket collectors

It’s long been known that having a job that is more intellectually stimulating can offer cognitive benefits, now psychologists have refined this theory It’s well known that London black cab drivers’ brains develop in a particular way as a result of doing “the...
Be the hero of your own story

Be the hero of your own story

Even heroes experience fear but they’re also aware of their courage and that’s how they overcome obstacles – we can do the same Everyone, it’s said, is the hero of their own story. As we know, real heroes aren’t fearless – they feel fear but they manage these...
It’s the journey not the destination

It’s the journey not the destination

Sticking to new year’s resolutions and maintaining good habits isn’t always easy but here’s how to improve your chances Did you make any New Year’s resolutions this year? More to the point, if you did, have you managed to keep them, three weeks into 2023? If you have,...
Why feelings of discomfort might be good for motivation

Why feelings of discomfort might be good for motivation

“No pain, no gain,” might have fallen out of fashion as an exercise mantra but research shows that it can help us to achieve our goals Finding ourselves outside our comfort zone is a common experience in our professional lives – and we’ll also face it outside the...